Tag Archives: pathological

Day 331: Affluenza

“The family of a teen critically injured when another teen, Ethan Couch, drove drunk last year has reached a settlement of more than $2 million.

The case made national headlines after a witness claimed Couch was a victim of “affluenza” — the product of wealthy, privileged parents who never set limits for the Texas boy.

For the crimes of driving drunk and causing a crash — which killed four people and critically injured two — Couch received no jail time. He was ordered to go to a lockdown treatment facility and sentenced to 10 years’ probation.

The settlement, reached this month, involves the case of Sergio Molina, who was riding in the back of Couch’s truck the night of the accident. He suffered a brain injury and can no longer speak, or move. He is considered minimally responsive.”


For many of the people who heard about this case, I’m sure they were outraged just as I was. ‘Affluenza’ is not even considered a real mental disorder in the DSM-V  (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), and yet here this young man was eluding any severe consequences due to this argument, which some have pointed out is an indicator of the double standard for wealthy people in our system where they are given preferential and favorable treatment.

But tonight I stopped to consider for a moment – what is affluenza was accepted as a legitimate mental disorder in the DSM-V? Aside from all the money that pharmaceutical companies would be trying to make off of it with some drug which they’ll claim to aid it, there is the possibility that we as a society would come to recognize and understand an important point: the pathology of the elite in this world.

In a world where billions suffer, where animals are slaughtered ruthlessly for our food, where our commercial products are made by slave labor, what does it actually mean to have money, to be wealthy, to have a good standard of living, and within this, to only ever concern oneself with their own self interest while ignoring the plight of others, which in fact made such a comfortable lifestyle possible? Here we are also going to have to re-define our concept of what it means to be ‘elite’ or ‘wealthy in our world because if you have food in the fridge, clothes on your back and a roof over your head, you are actually richer than %75 of the population on earth.

When I began to really see the extent of the suffering in this world, and how the system that creates it is the system off of which I am living and benefiting, I realized that to not take self responsibility to change the system is absolutely unacceptable – that to do nothing would show just how evil, mad and delusional I had become. I have found that taking action does call into question my sanity, because at the prospect of taking action, I found that my biggest road-block was my own self interest: that I had become so obsessed and neurotic over my own bullshit, that taking action was quite a difficult thing to do, and it was no wonder that things are the way they are in this world – those who have any form of power and influence have gone completely mad.

So my concept of what is a sociopath had been completely redefined, and here is where a condition like affluenza could become quite a useful thing if the awareness of it had become as common and widespread as for instance our common knowledge of ADD. We could conventionalize a very important understanding, which is that to be rich and wealthy in a world where billions suffer, where this wealth is the cause of such suffering, and to have absolutely no regard for this fact, is in fact a mental disorder – a severe one because it has extreme consequences for all involved. This is why the world is in the state it is in, because those who really could make a difference, or should I say must make a difference, are not because they are caught up in a delusional reality where there is apparently something more important to be concerned with than the immeasurable suffering of others and ensuring that everyone has the right to a dignified life.

So, if you find yourself in a position of privilege but find yourself unwilling to do anything to change the world to a place that is best for all life, understand that you have a case of affluenza! If you find others who are living a life of privilege but who remain oblivious to the plight of others and what is really going on in this world, realize that they have a severe case of affluenza! If you see yourself as someone who wants to make a difference but finds it difficult to do so because you are caught up in your own self interest, know that you have a mild case of affluenza!

Let’s put this word to good use, just like other great terms we have coined in the new millennium through our increasing global awareness through the internet, like ‘first world problems’ – let’s highjack this word that has been coined in defense of the abuse of the elite to justify corruption, and rather start using it on a regular basis to expose it.

Day 245: What is the context of our personal challenges?


No matter what goes on in this world and how bad things get, we humans are a stubborn lot and we just don’t seem to learn, just can’t seem to manage to figure out that message that guys like Jesus left us 2000 years ago to love our neighbours as ourselves. It seems like this system of control that we have created for ourselves to keep us blind, dumb and stupid to what is really going on in this world. It’s December now and here in Canada masses of people will be busy brainwashing themselves with the illusion of created with Christmas with feelings of love while the worlds plight descend to a new low. What magnificent beings of love and light we are.

Is it really so hard to see what is going on? Are we really so weak and pathetic that we can’t even stand to look at ourselves and reality in the face? Are we really so evil that we can continue living lives of hedonism and self interest and turn a blind eye, not implicating ourselves as equal contributors to the mess that this world is in?

Everyone has it within themselves to rise to these challenges – and the world will become a more and more challenging place to exist in – but it is like people we have allowed ourselves to become so weak, so disconnected from ourselves, we have given our power away to ‘higher powers’ (whatever form each person’s ‘higher power’ comes in is variable) so extensively that standing up for life, literally looks impossible. Imagine that – brainwashing that is so effective and pervasive that we actually believe that making this world into a place that is best for all life is impossible. We have come to love our self abuse, our plight – we identify with it, we believe it is us, just because it is all that we’ve ever known.

This pathology of weakness carries on and on and we spend our lives running from reality, doing whatever it takes to not have to consider and investigate what is really going on in this world. That is why every now and then, some trauma is quite useful, as life’s way of showing you what the fuck is really up. What happens in situations of trauma? We can either fold and crawl back under a rock with our tails between our legs – or we can sand up. Have you ever had a tough experience in life, a cold, hard dose of reality, and realized that you simply have to act, to stand up? I mean, what else is there to do?

I understand how hard it is to change. I understand how difficult it is to get out of your own illusion. I understand how hard it is to give up the things you think you like, that give you that nice little feeling of happiness that we’re so addicted to. I am challenged by it everyday and my past habits/patterns/addictions echo with me every day in my mind as waning thoughts that gradually decrease in intensity every time that I do not accept and allow myself to participate in them. We are our own worst enemies, and within that, we are a threat to life. While giving up your self interest and learning to honor life seems like such a difficult thing – what is it worth to you, to stop the suffering that exists in this world? How important are your little vices and preferences and belief when compared to the absolutely monolithic scale of suffering that is taking place on earth, without anyone even really noticing or caring? The petty shit we constantly preoccupy ourselves with is really nothing when you see what it really going on 

There are consequences to all of this. We are in big shit. I mean, really big shit. We may as well give up everything now because it is going to be taken away from us sooner or later. Everyone dies, but not everybody is prepared to die. We will have to give up everything inevitably, and yet no one wants to give up everything. How stupid is that? And yet we cling onto the illusion that we can hold onto it all and that we can even ‘own’ it – ownership being a form of human delusion unto itself – not realizing that the more we cling on, the more we lose, the more we lose ourselves to an illusion, and then we just become losers. Addicted to the happy feelings and thought that we believe to be so real, like a ‘loser’ drug addict – it really makes people pathetically weak. Do we actually believe money will save us? Do we actually believe that positive thinking and happy feelings with save us? We know they are all fleeting. We’ve all experience this. And yet, we just don’t seem to get it. 

The best trauma for all of this is breath – stop the illusions that exist in your mind as your thoughts,, feelings and emotions, because they are just fear anyways. It is a ‘pro-active’ way of facing the inevitable end, because rather than having things end horribly as an experience because you’re being forced to give up your illusions, you are rather doing it for yourself, slowly but surely – not to mention that in the meantime, you are learning about life and how to care for life and how to enjoy life – and not even to mention making this place a better place for all other life, if that is at all on your radar.

This post is not meant to judge, because we ALL do this in some capacity of another. It is a reminder to self of the actual seriousness and scope of what we are a part of – this all means much more than you or I, this world is much bigger than we as individuals – but perhaps we don’t see that because we have not even realize that who we really are is much bigger than who we believe ourselves to be, as the illusions we have created of ourselves in separation to life. What seems like each persons greatest most insurmountable challenge – that which they could hardly even conceive that they are capable of doing because it is apparently so beyond them – is they key to finding out who we really are as life. Challenge yourself. Challenge everything. Embrace a bit of trauma every now and again – be it from your own gentle wake up call of breath, or the harsh hand of consequence – face it all, and have fun.


I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize and understand what is actually at stake with regards to my process and transcending points of self-limitation

I forgive myself that I’ve not accepted and allowed myself to realize that process does not have to be so difficult if it is self directive, that it does not have to be a point of ‘pushing’ myself through resistances because I have given them power, but rather that I am able to simply stop, breathe, recognize what must be done, and simply walk this point in doing whatever is necessary to be done, as a simply recognition in self honesty and self trust

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to worry about what others may think of me – and that I have not allowed myself to look at my own illusions to see what is really real and what is of real value/importance/priority

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to want to avoid the inevitable – giving up everything and becoming part of the process that is taking place here on earth

I commit myself to stop the mind through breath and embrace all that I experience as ‘trauma’, in contrast to the illusion that I have created within/as myself as the mind – I commit myself to give myself the support I require to stop all illusions as breath and employ tools like self honesty, and self forgiveness in written word, spoken word and deed

When and as I see myself wanting to follow the mind and using excuses/justifications as to why I can apparently follow the mind without consequences – I stop, I breathe, I realize the actual context of reality that I exist within and that I am actually creating myself and my consequences as this world in every moment, and thus I do not allow myself to participate in such delusions as my thoughts, feeling and emotions

I commit myself to continue to educate myself to give myself the strength and resolve to stand as life, by giving myself the education of life – to exist here purely within/as the physical, equal and one – stopping all illusions as fear and inferiority