Tag Archives: heroic

Day 269: The Hero Character


Helping those in need, saving people, protecting the innocent, killing bad guys! I mean, you know you have read too many comic books and watched too many moves when…

I noticed this tendency today within myself to want to be a hero, to do heroic things and be regarded as some kind of knight in shining armor. The knight in shining armor always gets the girl, doesn’t he?

The hero character is a character that is created opportunistically out of the fake morality system of go(o)d and (d)evil that we have created, where we are existing in self-created bubbles of separation to our fellow man/this world and as a result, polarize ourselves into an endless variation of degree of good and evil. All that one such as myself has to do is to lock onto this system, learn it’s rules of what is apparently good and noble and what is apparently evil and condemnable, and play it – I’m the good guy, I am the good-est of the good guys, the highest of the high with the highest calling. I mean what better way is there to have power? That’s what super hero’s have – super powers!

Within this character, I will present myself as being greater than I really am, strong and more noble than I really am, more caring than I really am, more considerate and loving than I really am – I mean it goes on, you get the idea.

But have heroes ever really made any real, lasting difference to our world? If so, would we even know who the real heroes are? In my experience, the real heroes have always gone unsung, almost completely unnoticed.

Within the living understanding of equality and what it means to be equal there can exist no heroes because heroes are simply capitalizing on a point of inequality through a world system that essentially creates bad guys, just like armies capitalize on countries that are apparently bad because they are apparently a threat our security – or like the way CEO’s of the prison industry are the heroes capitalizing on high incarceration rates.

Sometimes it really seems justified in our own minds – but that is only within the allowance of a reaction to a point that we’ve been programmed to see as ‘wrong’ and thus if we act as heroes we are apparently right. Our reactions of hatred towards others and the injustices we witness – and yet we don’t even understand our own reactions sufficiently enough to realize that they are in fact the key to stopping all evil in this world – because it is our reactions of anger, blame, vengeance, revenge that reveal that it is in fact we who are the evil ones, living with no compassion, no understanding, no consideration for others as equal to ourselves – just a desire to capitalize and yet again not have to face and correct ourselves because we are apparently righteous. Not only this, but when a hero comes around to apparently ‘save’ everybody – we have been completely self dishonestly absolved of our own response-ability to change the mess of bad guys we are creating on this earth.

We don’t need heroes – we need equals – that is the most heroic thing one could ever do – and yet it is not heroic in terms of the mockery we have made out of heroics because it is just living within the recognition of a point that we should have been aware of all along – our own equality – to and as ourselves and this reality.


I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to believe that being a hero solves anything

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to want and desire to be a hero and to use the point of fake morality within the system as a way of fitting myself into a context where I can be the good/righteous/heroic one, existing within and sustaining definitions of what is apparently good and evil in this world 

I forgive myself that I’ve not accepted and allowed myself to not realize that a hero is not a real being at all but just a character that capitalizes off of a system that creates bad guys and that the hero is special in no way whatsoever as the hero was simply lucky to be born in a position where self righteousness can be more easily claimed and believed

In forgive myself that I’ve not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that a hero is just a faker and s not in it for life but just for the hero to be recognized by everyone as the hero and carry out his own agenda and is thus one of the greatest abusers while claiming some kind of higher morality – within this I forgive myself that I’ve not accepted and allowed myself to believe that a hero is not what is in fact needed and that people do not need to be saved as what is really necessary to change this world to a place that s best for all life is equality and oneness, done through self honesty, self forgiveness and self corrective applications

I commit myself to stop the tendency to want to try and capitalize on the evil of the world by being the hero character and making myself look better than I really am this way – when and as I see myself reacting to something unjust in this world and the hero character begins to be activated – I stop, I breathe, I remain here and do not give into this inner movement as my thoughts, feelings and emotions and rather remain equal to myself here as breath in order to direct myself/what is here

I commit myself to stop abusing a position of good fortune to capitalize on the mess this world is in through utilizing the hero character – rather, I commit myself to establish equality, firstly to self and then to others, so that all are equal and thus no good guys and bad guys can exist


Stay tuned for the other side of the coin of the hero character where I will be writing about the bad boy character.