Day 33: Resistance

RES-I-STANCE – resonantly I have taken a stance


RESIST-STANCE – resisting taking a stance for life



I forgive myself that I’ve allowed myself to submit myself to the resistance that I experience when applying myself in process or within the awareness that I am going to apply myself within my process


I forgive myself that I’ve not allowed myself to see the experience of resistance for what it is as my minds tendency to want to ‘go with the flow’ in following its usual patterns as preprogramming and that when it is faced with the opportunity/prospect of deviating from its patterns as preprogramming, the mind will resist and protest with energy as an experience of ‘heaviness/laziness’ feeling as resistance – and that all that is necessary to move past this experience of resistance is to simply breathe until the energy passes an continue to move myself in self application in whatever self corrective task is necessary at hand


I forgive myself that I’ve not allowed myself to realize the dire consequences of giving into my minds resistance to self change where I will continue down my pre-programmed path of patterns and habits wherein I have no real control/self directive principle and thus will experience outcomes that are not what I would like to experience as they are not best for all


I forgive myself that I’ve not allowed myself to see and realize that all that is required to move through the experience of resistance – what has become a near constant experience of the mind as the mind is extensively preprogrammed to follow patterns/habits – is to simply breathe and focus on breathing while I move myself in self directive principle of what is best for all


I forgive myself that I’ve not allowed myself to realize that the energetic feelings of laziness and tiredness are forms of resistance to self movement as what is best for all


I forgive myself that I’ve not allowed myself to realize the seriousness as the severity of the situation on earth and how fucked life has become through and as the mind by justifying resistance and laziness and giving into resistance and laziness through various ways of entertaining myself as something that is ‘innocent’ and ‘harmless’ when in fact the billions who suffer in this reality are dependant on ones such as I who are living in positions of luxury/dominance/wealth/privilege to act on their behalf and voices of change and consideration of what is best for all life as if I were in the position of those who suffer and do not have a voice, I would/could only with that those who are in positions of luxury/dominance/wealth/privilege would act as a voice for me in doing everything possible to be the voice and reason of change on my behalf in equal consideration as what is best for all life

I forgive myself that I’ve not allowed myself to see within the word resistance is RESIST STANCE as the resistance to take any kind of real stance that is best for all life as resonantly I have taken a stance against life as my pre-programming as a mind that is programmed only to stand for self interest in spite of all life and that such self interest always comes at the expense/abuse of life – and that as such I will constantly be facing resistance as the stance I have already taken as my self-interest which exist in living patterns/habits/addictions which I must walk through in breath and self movement/self corrective application to finally become a being that stands for life until I exist as/face resistance no more


I forgive myself that I’ve allowed myself to participate within and as my resistance as allowing myself to entertain and distract myself which have me prioritize doing what is best for all life last and thus prioritizing myself as life last over feeding addictions of the mind


I forgive myself that I’ve not allowed myself to realize that what I resist will persist and thus there is no escaping my self-responsibility as stopping all resistance and doing what is necessary to honor life as living application that is best for all life and that because this is inevitable, it will be much easier to apply myself here immediately as opposed to making this experience much more difficult for myself in the future


I commit myself to walk through all experiences of resistance as my desires/habits/addictions/patterns/laziness by simply breathing and focusing on breath, allowing this energy to pass as I move myself to continue the task at hand of self corrective application in becoming a being that stand for life


I commit myself to no longer give into resistance as participating within habits/patterns as entertainment/distractions that feed my resonant stance as the mind and keep me from standing as a real being that honor life


I commit myself to apply myself in self corrective application as doing what is best for all life and creating a new way/life for myself as a being that live what is best for all life and no longer prioritize what is necessary to be done to honor life lastly over my self interest/desires/patterns/habits/addictions


I commit myself to breathe and walk through all experiences of resistance as the commitment and dedication of living what is best for all life within full consideration of the experiences of others as the extensive abuse that this world has become and exist as/within